Hey folks! How was your week? Mine was busy but I am really glad today is Friday. Any of you have plans for Sunday? I hear something big is going down but have no clue what it is <sarcasm>. Hopefully you have a good one and I’ll catch you next week.
Changes to the Way Customers Buy – raise your hand if you use recommendations to make a purchase. I know I do and am sure 80% of you reading this blog do as well. In this post from Valeria Maltoni, she sheds some light on Google’s new privacy policy and how it will make trusted recommendations out of the data we share with Google.
In Facebook IPO, color this graffiti artist richly rewarded – say someone were to offer you cash for your work or an equivalent in stock in a start-up? Chances are you would say that cash is king, but if you would choose to gamble on the stock you, well you could have wound up like this graffiti artist who did just that. The start-up that the artist took the stock in? Facebook and now he looks to make roughly 200 million in the IPO on those shares from a few years earlier.
Personal Data’s Value? Facebook Is Set to Find Out – how much is the data that Facebook holds worth? Some say 75-100 billion dollars and we will all find out soon as the social network has its IPO on the horizon.
Social Love: Take THAT Writer’s Block! – writer’s block blows. We all get it from time to time and we all deal with it in our own ways. This post offers some crowd-sourced advice that really can help you out too should you find yourself in a rut.
PUMA Adds Instagram and Tumblr To The Blogger Outreach Mix – a behind the scenes look at PUMA’s approach to social PR. Not sure that this would be worth it for all brands but comes across as interesting to me. What say you?
Image – jm3
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for linking to my post! Glad you thought it valuable enough to share with your readers. Writer’s block does blow, you are so right. The great thing is, after I finally reached out to my friends and choked out that post, it seems to have disappeared! Sometimes, you just have to put words on paper and break that damn dam! Hope you have a great weekend, I hear something big is happening on Sunday….? Cheers, LB
@belllindsay it was a great read and use of the crowd
@belllindsay It was a great read and am more than happy to share great content Have a great weekend.