This was a busy, but short week for me with some family activities in Jersey. If you missed the keynote that I did with Lithium’s Jenny Zaszut from Lithium, and want to see how the team at Vistaprint manages and measures social media for the business, you can check it out here as a webinar. How was your week? Hope you have a great weekend, and enjoy this week’s edition of Five for Friday.
Web Browsing Takes a Social Turn – This is an interesting article on a new innovation in the social space – social Web browsing. The platform called RockMelt looks to merge social media with social media. I am not sure what to think of it as I am just starting to test out the beta and will reserve comment for a week or so.
How to Become a Thought Leader in Six Steps – The HBR always has smart pieces, there I said it. This one talks about a very touchy subject nowadays, the personal brand and what it means. Many folks are looking for any recognition that they kick some major ass but don’t know where to start. Well this column offers six steps that take some work but are achievable.
My fear for social media – Sure social media is a great outlet, but do you ever feel that it is changing into a self-promotional hub? If so, check out this piece from Spike Jones.
Why Facebook and Twitter Are Not Replacing Blogging – One problem that I have with research studies is that any given person can manipulate the numbers to make their case for their position. There was an article in Forbes that noted the Technorati state of the blogosphere that noted that social media was killing blogging. With such a small sampling of people in the survey, I am going to side with Danny Brown’s take on the survey data that the blogging world is still thriving.
For Employees, Facebook Counts as Free Speech – This opens up a new can of worms for social media and employee usage. To me this seems like companies are being forced to cede control in the social space to everything. I don’t think that this will hold water overall as the impact that negative comments from employees can really impact the way companies recruit and also can lead to suits against companies since they may or may not have seen negative posts from employees or a supervisor decides to pop off on their lazy or worthless employees.
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